IN ASSOCIATION WITH: totem327 robin Lost_Forever lol232 JoJo_7 KingCato24
This is a FULL SA gangs, characters and player replacement from OGF to VLA! Includes: -OGF to VLA, VLA to OGF, Balla to LSV, LSV to Balla -Sweet as Jose, Jose as Sweet, Kendl as Denise, Bettina as Catalina, Catalina as Kendl, CJ (Emmet's DFF) as Cesar, AZTECA Smoke, Ryder, OG Loc (gangster and burger), Mafia goon as one of gangsters -New pictures inside player's house -New HUD -New loadscreen -New tags -New clothes And... NEW PLAYER - CESAR VIALPANDO AS CJ!!! Replace: all haircuts with HEAD DFF, all hoodies, cowboy hat and helmet, WCOATBLUE, and Cesar's clothes from start game. I didn't use totem327's cap because of the new texture (mine) and because cap looks normal without it too. AND YOU CAN PLAY CJ TOO because only HEAD DFF haircuts, some clothes and torso & legs (thin) are Cesar's but all other haircuts & clothes, and muscle & fat torso and legs are CJ's!